Did You Know…
Green Potatoes Can Be Poisonous
Do you eat green potatoes?
If you do, be sure to eat them in moderation.
Potatoes contain a natural toxin, solanine which provides protection from insects and diseases. Solanine is a nerve toxin produced in the green parts of the potato – the leaves, stem and any green spots may contain it. Solanine is concentrated in green potatoes and the sprouts.
What causes potatoes to turn green?
Potatoes turn green when exposed to light and warm temperatures.
What happens when green potatoes are ingested?
Solanine can cause diarrhea and vomiting from one to six days and can also cause nervous system problems. Poisoning occurs eight to twelve hours after eating. In rare cases people and animals have died from eating them.
I’ve eaten a few should I be worried?
Nah. The good news is that you’d have to eat a large fully green potato before getting sick. According to Snopes, a healthy adult would have to eat over four pounds before getting sick. But do not feed them to a small child! Their smaller size makes them more susceptible to the effects. Pregnant women should also not eat them so as not to cause harm to the fetus or cause a miscarriage.
From an article in Women’s Health Mag online:
“Affected potatoes might also grow little sprouts Once you hack off the growths and use a peeler to remove the green layers, the potato is totally safe to eat, says McVoy. But if you’re concerned, just throw it out. And always store your spuds in a dark, cool place.”
I’ve eaten a few but from now on I’ll store my potatoes away from the sun and I’ll be sure to remove the green areas!
Online Sources: snopes, livestrong, womens health mag